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The Ultimate Retrogaming Quiz!

Updated: Apr 26

Welcome Retrogamers to the Retrogaming Quiz. The challenge for video game enthusiasts. Are you ready to test your knowledge and reminisce about the golden days of Retrogaming? Join our RetroRetrieve Quiz and discover how much you know about the iconic games, legendary consoles, and unforgettable moments from the past. Participate in the quiz, receive a reward of 20 euros in store credit, and stand a chance to find that game you've been searching for for years!

Quiz time

Dive into the world of Retrogaming with our quiz. Here you'll find a mix of questions about classic games, consoles, and characters that have captured our hearts. Do you know the answer to all the questions and can you call yourself a Retro legend?

Retro game quotes

The categories

After completing the quiz, add up your points to discover which category you fall into. The answers can be found below the blog.

0-2 correct: RetroRookie! You've just begun your Retrogaming journey. No problem, keep playing and you'll become an expert.

3-5 correct: RetroEnthusiast! You have a solid foundation and knowledge of Retrogames, but there's room for improvement.

6-8 correct: RetroMaster! You know your Retrogames like no other and probably have an impressive collection of games and consoles. Keep it up!

9-10 correct: RetroLegend: You're a true master of Retrogaming. You know all the ins and outs and have a wealth of experience with classic games!

Retro hardware

The Questions

  1. Which game from 1985 is considered one of the most influential and best-selling games of all time? A.      Super Mario Bros B.      The Legend of Zelda C.      Pac-Man D.      Tetris

  2. What was the first home game console that was commercially successful? A.      Atari 2600 B.      Ninentdo Entertainment System (NES) C.      Sega Master System D.      Magnavox Odyssey

  3. Which of the following characters first appeared in a game from 1981? A.      Donkey Kong B.      Link C.      Sonic the Hedgehog D.      Lara Croft

  4. Which of these 4 games below is the best-selling game for the original PlayStation? A.      Final Fantasy VII B.      Gran Turismo C.      Crash Bandicoot D.      Uncharted

  5. What was the name of the first handheld game console to use cartridges? A.      Game Boy B.      Sega Game Gear C.      Atari Lynx D.      Nintendo DS

  6. What was the first game in which Mario appeared? A.      Super Mario Bros B.      Donkey Kong C.      Mario Bros D.      Super Mario Land

  7. Which of these games was released in 1996? A.      Pokemon Red en Blue B.      The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time C.      Super Mario Bros 3 D.      Metal Gear Solid

  8. What was the best-selling game for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES)? A.      Super Mario World B.      The Legend of Zelda: A link to the past C.      Donkey Kong Country D.      Super Metroid

  9. What was the first game console to use CD-ROMs for playing games? A.      PlayStation B.      Nintendo 64 C.      Sega Return D.      Sega Genesis

  10. Which of the following games is known as one of the hardest games ever made for the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES)? A.      Super Mario Bros B.      Mega Men C.      Contra D.      Battletoads

If you're a true RetroLegend, congratulations! Don't worry if you don't fall into the highest category. The most important thing is that you've had fun and learned something new.

Nintendo Retro console

Discover RetroRetrieve!

Maybe now is the time for you to reward yourself with a new addition to your Retrogame collection. If you're looking for that one missing game or console, know that RetroRetrieve is the platform for you and is ready to assist. Take a look at the website and don't miss out on your 20 euros of free store credit!


 1.A 2.D A 3.A 4.B 5.C 6.B 7.B 8.A 9.D 10.D

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